28/11/2012 · I downloaded this app to my Iphone Thurs and played a course on Fri. It worked as advertised. All I was looking for was a distance to the green. Beats walking around looking for a sprinkler head. Very generic but then again I was playing a familiar course. Chose this one because the "how to" make a new course on the other app was way to intense
Best Golf GPS Apps For Smartphones - iPhone, … The GolfShot is one of the best golf GPS Apps for smartphones available to download. It’s an excellent performing golf GPS app that will not disappoint. It gives you detailed course information, accurate yardages, easy to your score features and excellent post round analysis. The detailed analytics do not overwhelm you. The app clearly 8 Best Golf Apps for Android to Land it On the … Best Golf Apps for Android (2019) Google Play store is a home for hundreds of golf apps that are available for download. To shorten the list, we have gathered the best free golf apps for Android you could bring on the course. Must Read: 5 Best Internet Booster Apps for Android. Golf GPS by SwingU – Free with In-app Purchases Best Apple Watch golf apps - Wareable So read on for our choice of the Apple Watch golf apps worth trying out – including our top pick. Wareable top pick – Hole19. Our favourite Apple Watch golf app, Hole 19's original iPhone app
For example many apps, will offer real time gps, scorecard and tournament results, mobile beverage cart ordering and golf course deals. If we are missing any 18 Dec 2019 This golf app is only Golf app that offers AR on the golf course. Golf GPS ++ uses your iPhone and Apple Watch to track shots and GPS 17 Jul 2014 Caddio is a crowd-sourced golfing app that lets you view and share information about courses. If you're trying out a course for the first time, see 21 Sep 2017 Not only do they have a free GPS function that works on any golf course in the United States, but they also surround the GPS and score-keeping 16 May 2020 On your iPhone, please update your Hole19 App to the latest version. the course where you want to play > Tap 'Start Round' on the course Hole19 shows you GPS distances to the Front, Center and Back of the Green.
Best Golf GPS App for iPhone / iOS - Golf Gear Geeks Review: GolfLogix is another great, and FREE golf GPS app for iPhone / iOS. It comes with over 30,000 available golf courses worldwide, and a general yardage book for each course. The free version also includes professional stat and score tracking (fairways hit, GIR, putts, etc.). Your stats are automatically synced online to the GolfLogix website, so that you can track progress, and compete Yardage Book on the App Store 25/07/2018 · Great App! UPDATE: last couple of days this app seems to be broken. Says it cannot get an Internet connection even though there is a proper Internet connection. Please fix! (June 25, 2019) Don’t understand all the negative reviews. This is a perfect reference app for when I’m watching the PGA tour on TV. I love the fact that you guys update Golf GPS Rangefinder Scorecard on the App Store
There are many iPhone golf GPS rangefinder apps. Our review narrows the field down to the best: Golfshot, Hole19, GolfLogix, and Mobitee.
Overall Pick – The Grint. My overall pick is The Grint for a number of reasons. In my opinion this is the best-designed free golf GPS app out there for smartphones. They have done an excellent job at making an intuitive design that works quickly on the course, displays important yardage information, and boasts more features for free than any of their competition. 14 Best Golf Apps for Your Apple Watch, iPhone & … This swing-by-swing golf app works on every course in the world. You can find the distance to the center of the green and to any obstacles. Satellite photos are available, which you can use to calculate distances from you to that point. A digital golf scorecard is also available that automatically advances from hole to hole. You can store your rounds for free online, use graphs and stats to The 8 Best Golf GPS Apps of 2020 - TripSavvy Only available through the Apple store, the Fun Golf GPS app offers many of the best features you need on the course, but it does it with an improved map. In contrast to the typical 2D bird’s eye cartoon or satellite view found on even the best apps, the FunGolf GPS app delivers a more detailed rendering with 3D qualities and true depth. With your Apple Watch or iPhone, you can use the app Best Golf Apps For iPhone - Apps to help raise your …