How to Win at CSR Racing: 12 Steps (with Pictures) …
Value info For TEMPEST 3 updated Feb 10th 2020 – … 08/02/2020 · Tier 4 is a bitch! It’s the last one (the tiers don’t go in order, it goes: T1, T3, T2, T5, and T4). 1.Info for each race: All the score for tempest3 and cars to choose/tune. 2.Another Tempest 3 Tier 1-5 Guide:Tempest 3 Tier 1-5 Guide – CSR Racing 2. 3.Tip from pp about tempest3 T4. If you have Mazda RX-7 Rocket Bunny and won the Prestige Some tips for MUCH better times - CSR Racing … Also, to whoever's writing the FAQ: Agent deals come every 20 races, the car it'll offer is a random car from the highest tier available to you. e.g. if you've just unlocked tier 3, then you'll get an offer for a tier 3 car. Also, if you have all the cars from that particular tier, then it'll offer a random car from the next highest tier, and so on. Best car for tier 3 Csr Racing? | Yahoo Answers
Tier 2: Car- Alfa Romeo 4C Spider (1*) Final Trial Time- 9.894s (1/4 Mile) Reason- Every T2 car in my garage just couldn't beat the Trial time. And I ended up using the 4C Spider by mistake. CSR Racing 2 (Tips, Tricks and Crew Times) … CSR Racing 2 (Tips, Tricks and Crew Times) [TEMPE5T 2] (The car I used to win Ashleigh's car is the same one I used in TEMPE5T 1, Tier 4: Car- Nissan Silvia (S15) Rocket Bunny (5*) PP- 665 Evo- +1255 Upgrades- 40/42 Fusion Parts- 78/91. Tuning: NOS- 232 by 5.2 Final Drive- 2.32 Tires- 29/71 (PSI: 18) Ticket Time: Dyno- 11.454s (1/2 mile) (It's the exact same set up as TEMPE5T 1, Tier 4 Tier 1 | CSR Classics Wiki | Fandom Tier Overview Edit. Tier 1 is the first of the five tiers of cars in CSR Classics. Out of the five, Tier 1 cars feature the slowest cars, with a very slow acceleration, with most of the cars, except for the MINI 1275 S, has a 0~60mph mark over 6 seconds when maxed out, and most cars fail to reach 100 miles per hour in a …
What is the best tier 4 car for csr racing? Wiki User 2013-01-14 11:35:07. R8. Related Questions. Asked in Cars & Vehicles Can you sell your car in CSR racing? No you may not sell your car in CSR The Full Tempest Guide (Cars & Strategy) - CSR2Boss in CSR Racing 2. The Full Tempest Guide (Cars & Strategy) 74.4k Views 20 Comments You will a car to make the Elite Licence, but you’re not allowed to use that very car for the Tempest races, so NEVER use your best car for the Elite Licences! Fast Acceleration counts! If you locked in a car for a tier, you will need to spend 200 Gold to change that car and you always have races that Meilleures voitures Tier 4 (entre 300 000 $ et 500 000 ... What is the best tier 4 car to buy. Gtr or the viper. - … What is the best tier 4 car to buy. Gtr or the viper. Close . 3. Posted by 3 years ago. Archived. What is the best tier 4 car to buy. Gtr or the viper. 8 comments. share. save hide report. 100% Upvoted. This thread is archived. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Sort by. best. level 1. 1 point · 3 years ago. Both are beast but GTR still edges though.. If you want the
09/07/2012 · What is the best car in tier 3 for csr racing? Tier 2 was so hard to beat what's the best car in tier 3 but it can be bought by using cash not gold. Answer Save. 2 Answers. Relevance. Chok. Lv 6. 8 years ago. Favourite answer. The best car or the fastest is the Camaro zl1 but I bought the laguna seca mustang. But still I think that the camaro is the best choice. 0 0 0. Log in to reply to the
What is the best tier 4 car to start with in csr racing ... 11/07/2012 · Csr Racing Tier 4 Best Car. Source(s): 0 0 0. Login to reply the answers Post; Chok. Lv 6. 8 years ago. Depends but I chose the gtr since it had the best grip and was the cheapest. 0 0 0. Login to reply the answers Post; Anonymous. 8 years ago. Definetly the forde gt. 0 0 0. Login to reply the answers Post CSR Racing Tips Best Tier 3 Cars - How to Retire … This CSR Racing Tier 3 Corvette is rated at 512 and is equipped with Stage 4 parts throughout with the exception of the transmission which is a stage 5. My personal best 0-60 is 3.9 seconds and a top speed of 160 mph. With the help of the mechanic and/or the multiplayer race team these stats would be much better. So far I’ve been entering these cars in match and regulation races but I think CSR Racing Wiki Guide - IGN
- 163
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- 1977
- 1717
- 1772
- 371
- 1899
- 33
- 292
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- 64
- 1185
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- 1901
- 1974
- 265
- 87
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- 1253
- 1346
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- 49
- 369
- 37
- 1779
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- 1696
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- 23
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- 169
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- 1353