Why wont my ps3 read games anymore

Ps3 wont play games but dvds why? - PlayStation 3 …

Without further information I don't know, so I'm going to list some common mistakes people make. Firstly make sure it's the right disk, if you're talking about a PS 1 then only PS 1 games will work, same for PS 2 and PS 3 and PS 4. Secondly, make Why won't my Playstation read the game disc? - Quora

What do you do when my ps3 won't read my disc - …

I can access online stores etc and it happens with all games I'll check the code. – user69492 Apr 1 '14 at 17:15 can't access online stores – user69492 Apr 1 '14 at 17:15 | show 6 more comments PS3 wont accept/pull in disc | AVForums Why wont my PS2 read any of my discs - Answers Why wont your ps3 read any discs when i turn it on to play it i go to game section and i know the games in the right the blue lights on but the game wont come up should i get a cleaner disc

Troubleshooting Network Connection Issues. Copied! Your link If you are experiencing networking problems, here are troubleshooting tips to ensure you a flawless experience with your PS4™, PS3™, or PlayStation® service.

Why wont your ps3 read any discs when i turn it on to play it i go to game section and i know the games in the right the blue lights on but the game wont come up should i get a cleaner disc PS3 won't recognize discs in the drive - February … 17/02/2011 · PS3 won't recognize discs in the drive by tell you was that my PS3 was also an abused unit. The unit's top lid was cracked, the drive didn't read well and would lock up after about 15 minutes My Ps3 won't recognize the Ps3 games? | Yahoo … 10/02/2008 · Definitely don't open the case for the reasons mentioned by the other posters. The games on the PS3 are "zone-free" anyway, so you should be able to play any PS3 game on any PS3 console, irrespective of where either of them was purchased. I am guessing that the problem is related to the optics on your Blu-ray drive. Maybe they are dirty or mis

If Your Xbox One Won’t Read Game Discs, Try This. Posted on December 5, 2014 April 20, 2018 by Da Brew . Microsoft, Jay-Z called. He wants the original Xbox back. When a gaming console giant such as Microsoft or Sony releases “next-gen” systems, the gamers are sometimes skeptical that the new hardware won’t come without its share of problems. I’ve covered Xbox 360 disc read errors

Why cant my PS3 load games? I bought it used and have had it for about a year and just last week I tried to play MGS4 but it wouldnt load it, so I tried all my other games and it wouldnt load them either. What do I do? User Info: Soren10. Soren10 - 10 years ago. Damn! Both of our PS3's went out on the same day!! Someone please help us. I have the original 60Gb that I bought on release day, and Ps3 wont play games but dvds why? - PlayStation 3 … I was playing my ps3 games and then turned it off for about two hours and when i turned it on to play more games it wont read the game got it to work once for about an hour or so then played a demo on my ps3 and went to play the game again and it wasnt even loaded up but it still plays dvds without problem what can i do to fix it? What to do when PS3 won't play Blu-ray | Leawo … Regardless of whether you don’t want to spend money on a new console or simply prefer older games, there are plenty of good reasons to still own a PS3. The PS3 is not just a gaming console, you could also use it to play Blu-ray discs. As time goes by, problems started to arise. Some people find that their PS3 started to have a problem playing Blu-ray discs. There are a lot of factors that SOLVED: Why won't my PS3 read discs? - …

hi everyone my ps3 super slim wont read any disk when i put a disk in it makes a few click sounds then like a engine rev, i can tell i spins the disk i put in but not 360 what Im saying is it spins ones then stops and i does not show that the disk is in i do not know why its doing this but two days ago it work fine then today i turn it on and what do you know. oh and its only two years old i Troubleshooting Network Connection Issues - … Troubleshooting Network Connection Issues. Copied! Your link If you are experiencing networking problems, here are troubleshooting tips to ensure you a flawless experience with your PS4™, PS3™, or PlayStation® service. My PS3 isn't reading discs! - PlayStation 3 - Giant … I did this when my PS3 wouldn't read some of my Blu-Rays, although all of my games still worked. General consensus on the internet seemed to be that I was getting an early warning that my laser was on the way out. Took advantage of the extra 50% trade-in value Gamestop were running at the time, added 3 games as well and walked away with a 120gb slim for $5. My Playstation won't read The Last of Us. : PS3 My Playstation won't read The Last of Us. Whenever I put the disc in the console, the blue icon under Games won't pop up. I had this same problem awhile back when I borrowed Bioshock from a friend, however the disc would read after playing another game for awhile. I've had no such luck here. I'm extremely pissed off and disappointed, I've been excited for this game for a very long time. Any

PS3 Slim Will read DVD but not Blu Ray. - Sony … 22/09/2013 · My slim PS3 stopped playing bluray movies but still played games, it played DVDs fine due to it having a second eye for playing DVDs and CDs. The last versions of the fat PS3 and all slim and new slim models have a two eye setup, one eye to read bluray disks, the other to read DVDs and CDs to extend the life of the bluray eye. How to Fix My PS3 That Can't Read Any Game? One of the most commonly heard about complaints from customers is that their PS3 can't read game discs. This is one of the more pressing technical support concerns and isn't addressable by software fixes. If your PS3 can't read any game disc anymore there are a … SOLVED: ps3 wont read disk - PlayStation 3 Super …

27/07/2008 · My son likes to play PS2 games on my PS3-we have the 60GB. He's always played PS2 games on it and now they don't work on it anymore. But he had a friend come over and there PS1 game worked fine on there. Why won't the PS2 games work anymore?

Why won't my ps3 game work on my ps3??? | Yahoo … 28/03/2008 · Okay, So i've had the ps3 since christmas and I know exactly how to work it. But, my game won't work on it for some reason! I'm in desperate need of … What do you do when my ps3 won't read my disc - … First you try another disc to see if it works. Then you put in the other disc. If it still doesn't work then see if there is any scratches or smudges. If there is wash them off with your shirt or Videos Won't Play On My PS3 Browser Anymore - … I see something about Flowplayer not working on the PS3 in the official Flowplayer forums, but the site's down right now.Other than that post and this one, I can't find evidence that anyone else has ever attempted to use it on the PlayStation 3. technical issues - why won't my ps3 go online? - …